Zeorich SBR
Wallnut Zeorich SBR is a unique Eco-friendly polymer liquid
based synthetic rubbers to provide excellent compressive &
flexural strength, high adhesion to cement surfaces when used
as slurry coat and also act as water resistant coating for wet areas

Available in
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- 05
- 01
In Compliance With
European norms
Wallnut Zeorich SBR (Styrene butadiene rubber) is a unique Eco-friendly polymer liquid-based synthetic rubbers to provide excellent compressive & flexural strength, high adhesion to cement surfaces when used as a slurry coat and also act as a water-resistant coating for wet areas. It can be added to all types of cement mortar and concrete as a replacement of water in part or full.
The mortar or concrete prepared with Zeorich SBR are flowable, non-shrink, crack resistant and require limited curing. Most suitable for industrial floors, plasters & screed, a bond coat for concrete & as a water-resistant coating for wet areas. Suitable for Internal & external
Hi-Tech Features

- Guaranteed increase in compressive & sheer strength of > 50 % of cement mix when used pure
- A Ready to use high concentrate latex in place of water for all cement mortar and concrete.
- Very low VOC (Low Volatile Organic Compound) and suitable for green building point.

- Very high increase in flexural strength and reduction in elastic modules of cement mortar or concrete
- No shrinkage in base screed, plaster or other mortar is once fully dry.
- Wallnut range of products is most eco-friendly and suitable to use in all kinds of buildings including certified green.
- Apart from using the best international raw material for best performance, Wallnut procures the major raw material locally to safeguard the environment.
Best suitable areas for Zeorich SBR
Industrial facilities & commercial projects
Airports and public infrastructures
Monumental Mega Projects
Fully wet areas including swimming pool, water tank, bathroom, etc.
Residential & commercial buildings.
Cement and Concrete mortar work
How to use Zeorich SBR
Stable new or old concrete.
New or old IPS or PCC floors are sound and stable.
Cement-based dry walls of stable nature.
Industrial concrete floors of all types such as VDF or Tremix floor.
All kinds of ceramic & vitrified tiles with Wallnut suitable adhesive.
All kinds of natural or recomposed stone with Wallnut suitable adhesive.
All kinds of other coverage such as cement-based self-levelling, epoxy or PU coatings, wood flooring & carpet etc.
- Ensure that concrete, plaster, drywall or any other cement surface is sound, strong, clean and free from all foreign material such as oil, grease, dust etc.
- When using Zeorich SBR as slurry or primer coat on cement-based dry surfaces or at external temperature, splash sufficient water to reduce the shock and surface temperature.
Let surface dry and then start the application. In normal course too, splash the water to regulate the surface absorption.- Expansion joint in concrete must be respected.
- When used in pure form, Zeorich SBR directly can be mixed with concrete, screed or plaster as a replacement for water.
- When dilution is needed, take clean water and mix Zeorich SBR in desire ratio as suggested and keep the liquid mix ready for further uses as per the desire application mentioned below.
A.) Application as a slurry bond coat:
- Dilute Zeorich SBR by volume or weight 1:1 with clean water and mix well. Once the liquid mix is ready, add 2 part or more of cement by total weight of liquid to make brush applied slurry.
- Apply slurry bond coat with brush or broom and spread evenly in thickness of approx. 1 mm.
- Once the slurry is applied and still fresh, spread the concrete, screed or mortar onto it and level the surface.
B.) Application as a waterproof slurry:
Take pure Zeorich SBR in desire quantity and add 1.5 times by the weight of cement or Zeorich Base binder to make brush applied slurry.
Apply 1st coat from left to right direction evenly in thickness of approx. 1 mm. Let 1st coat dry.
Apply 2nd coat from top to bottom direction in thickness of approx. 1 mm. Total 2 coats must be a minimum of 2 mm. thickness.
Let the final coat dry before protection or further covering on top.
C.) Application as a admix with concrete, Zeorich Screed or plaster:
Take 20 to 40% of Zeorich SBR by weight of cement used in concrete, screed or mortar OR prepare liquid mix made of Zeorich SBR: water in the ratio of 1:1 or more. Dilution of Zeorich SBR depends on improvement required in final strength.
Prepare a mix of screed, concrete, mortar or plaster in desire ratio. Add Zeorich SBR liquid mix as per requirement and as replacement of water.
Mix concrete or mortar in an electric concrete mixer and apply the same as per desire thickness needed.
Follow the protection and cure as per local guidelines and technical requirements.
D.) Applicationasapatching/repair compound:
Clean the surface of the patching area and remove all the dust. Open the patch/crack wide enough for the mortar to go to full depth. Splash the water on a patch and let it dry.
Take pure Zeorich SBR in desire quantity and mix with Cement: washed sand (1:2 by weight) to make plaster consistency mix. Apply the mix onto the whole patching area to full depth. Press firmly the mortar and finish the surface. If the area is directly under the sun, cover the same for the first 24 hours or cure with water.
Final results of Zeorich SBR when used for floor screed in comparison with water:
Zeorich Binder: Basalt sand | Compressive Strength | Compressive Strength
(Mixing Ratio) (mixed with water) (mixed with Zeorich SBR : Water 1:1)
1:3 by weight 35N/mm2 >45Mpa.
1:4 by weight 28N/mm2 >40Mpa
1:6 by weight 20N/mm2 >30Mpa.
(Data @ 23* C. & 50% humidity)
Please note that similar results may be achieved as mentioned above when Zeorich SBR is used along with ordinary plaster, floor screed, concrete mix or any other similar mortar. For best results, Zeorich SBR can be used without any dilution with water.
Product appearance | White or off-white liquid.
Packing | 1 | 5 & 20 Lt. drum
Shelf life | 12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Mixing Ratio:
As a slurry bond coat | 1:1 (Zeorich SBR: water and equal cement or Zeorich Base binder)
As waterproofing slurry | 1: 1.5 (Zeorich SBR: Cement or Zeorich Base Binder)
admix to concrete, mortar & screed | 1:1 to 1:4 (Zeorich SBR: Water) strength needed.
As primer bond coat | No dilution.
Coverage as a slurry bond coat | Approx. 27 to 30 sqft. / kg. of Zeorich SBR liquid
Coverage as waterproofing coat | Approx. 35 sqft. / kg. of Zeorich SBR liquid per
Coverage as primer bond coat | Approx. 15 to 20 sqft. / Kg. of Zeorich SBR liquid
Doses for concrete, mortar & screed | 20 to 40% by weight of cement in concrete or mortar
Coverage as a patching repair compound | As per depth, width & dimension of cavity / patch
Working temperature | + 5° C. to + 35° C

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